种种的成功失败,别无选择;堆堆的人生经验,得来不易。Will persevere the zest and march forward with greater pride:D

More pictures are available at this link
Pal had actually recommended me to his director for an executive role in his communications company. That's really sweet of him, I have this sudden urge to ace the interview and return to the work force and keep Life Acmatic alive on a side line. hehe not giving up yet don't worry! Your channel of activities string will not be disconnected yet=D LA will still function as planned. Just that Papa Neo's medical expenses have depleted the medisave a bit and i thought it's always good to keep the Medisave afloat for my unforeseen illness and my mum's future needs. Little insider stories that I can't share, but I believe one path leads to another. I will return, stronger:)
Met up with B****a Yao and Coolie Pio after the event day to have a proper catch up. Feels good to have such gathering once in a while to catch up about lives. Our dear friends are going HKG! whoohoo! and I will be heading to Mount Kota Kinabalu while they are eating wan tou sek. hahaha but I believe those are their well deserve breaks for selling their souls away month after month.
To my #1 blog fan, we are in plans to save and target to celebrate our friendship with ya in 2013! However, short vision friends like us can only confirm details nearer to date since we are unsure of our next month location 9-to-5. hahaha In any case, we are preparing hehe I want to see the ginormous fish tank and enjoy the "sand scrub"!
比较,是为了提升自己,而不是自弃自怜;不比较,是为了知足常乐,而不是逃避区别。事事都有平衡点,这也不例外。 这,也是我督促自己的不二法门,请自己牢记在心!
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