So here I am, typing away on my Macbook Air for a recent trip! Before that, let me just blabber a bit on the origin of the trip plans.
The craziest thing I have done so far in my 24 years of life is to venture out on my own in terms of career and start a business on Life pursuing. I gave up a decent pay job and forgo some headhunters' intentions for me to jump ship to land myself in this flexible-timed job. Once heard on radio, you have to work on what you like in order to unleash your potentials and soar, yes I'm that easy to convince when comes to such Life-is-great messages :D
Attempting to inculcate my views on life - Be crayonic and life a life that is rainbowlic enough to reminisce - I started a company named Life Acmatic, which means at the highest point in your life! It just took off a month ago and I'm handling a lot of back end works as well as management stuff. Not easy I must say, but gonna persevere! Although the main objective of leaving the previous job was to take care of my dad, this serve as an alternative motivation to leave since I won't be having any income anyway, :)
People think that I'm like bumming but no I'm actually quite tied up with stuff that are involved for a new start up. So while handling these perceptions and workload, tadah! there comes the mini getaway! Besides, the bf's family needs a break as well so we decided to step on clouds to feel on clouds nine:)

Before setting off
So We set off on a Thursday night on Five Stars Coach. Boy, it was my virgin trip on Five Stars Coach!
Their seats are indeed spacious as advertised and we have a dedicated screen for movie watching/songs blasting/games galore for each seat!
*psst pardon me on the poor image quality as my 2 year old Fujifilm - a.k.a orangey, is failing as a point and shoot over time :(
set off to Yong Peng for a short break! - for foreigners who are not familiar with coach traves between Malaysia and Singapore, Yong Peng is a 'pit stop' where the long hours travelers take a break and have some bites before embarking into the long journey again.

He bought a SIM card for 45RM thereabout that caters for 4 days Unlimited Data usage! super good deal as it costs about SGD$20 only for undisrupted usage. He needs data plan badly for overseas as he works on the go btw:)

Ramly says Hi!

The petit and delicious Kaya Balls! 10 for 4RM at Yong Peng! slurp! we set off again after munching the foodie

Tadah! here we are at Genting, at unearthly hours where no Milo Peng is seen at the terminal

He worked while I tea-ed :) quite satisfied with this framing btw

we waited for quite a while before we get our room! Took this picture at the lobby, isnt this view what you yearn for after slogging a lifetime away?

Can so see that I'm dying soon from the lack of sleep!

WAH he is really muscular

View from our room! We gave that a miss for our beauty sleep:)

Happy Mario after catching many winks!;)

We were tooooooo hungry to snap the fantastic dinner pictures but we went to this mushroom farm for delicacies! Its a MUST GO if you're in Genting. They provide free shuttle bus, carplates are the same - 9110 or something like that, to and fro Genting hotels. We boarded at First World by the way. It is a mini van so do not fret if you can't squeeze up as the frequency is pretty tight. We had Ying Yong Cod Fish, Mushrooms spread, some chicken and something else and ALL OF THEM WERE FANTASTIC! order anything on the list and you won't be disappointed at all trust me!

Before hopping onto the shuttle bus again, captured this beautiful sunset on the high up mountain:)

We spent the night at First World indoor theme park and realise they are all family rides hahah an easy night for us before the shopping kicks in!

Chilled with his family at a bar with soccer match telecast before heading back to hotel

End our day 1 with masks! little insider info: I travel a lot for dives and other adventure (self assumed adventures haha!) trips since 2010, and realise the compact way of packing facial products are to do away with bottles of moisturizers and creams. Instead, bring masks along! easy to pack, very nourishing too!

His mum commented that he smiles oddly in previous take and he gave this funny look lol!

The one way ticket for KL trains! So unique that it reminds me of Mahjong chips :P

You tap in with it

and insert it into the 'coin slot' to exit! how cool

we head towards Dang Wangi to search for the famous Yut Kee for lunch!

The coffeeshop

Fantastic Sambal Fried Rice

Roti Babi

Lum Mee

Chicken chop. We couldn't afford the famous toast after consuming the above, wasted!

Thats my orangey and self painted french!

All for 37.60RM

We continued our walk and i caught this
A&W!! Before this we had suan pan zi (Hakka food) and mee hun kuay at a Hakka Restaurant located at B1 Pavillion. Again, forgot to snap picture! but the food is good:)

In case you wonder why my hair was always pushed to a side: i did a fail braid
We returned to Genting and the bf did some work after dinner while i magazined at a cafe;) We end our nights off in CASINO! my virgin visit to Genting Casino as well and yay we won some decent amount of money to cover our KL feast and shoppings! Indeed, beginner's luck works in Jackpot;)

Preparing to return home and decide to catch some pictures before heading off

My Playboy singlet bought from Flea market
Ending the post with a successful braid! yay!
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